At Uyellitout, we offer personalized services to support individual clients and schools in fostering emotional well-being, mental resilience, and growth. Whether you need therapy or want to create a supportive school environment, we are here to guide you.
Individual Counseling
Parental Counseling
Child & Teen Counseling
Couples Therapy
Group Therapy
Stress & Anxiety Management
Life Coaching & Personal Development
Expressive Arts Therapy
Individual Counseling
Personalized one-on-one counseling to address emotional challenges like anxiety, stress, and life transitions in a safe, supportive space..
A safe space to express yourself
Personalized strategies to manage emotions
Improved mental clarity and focus
Ongoing support for personal growth and healing
What you will get:
Improved emotional regulation and resilience
Clarity in decision-making and life choices
Healthier relationships and communication
Reduced anxiety and greater self-awareness
Psychological Assesments
At Uyellitout, we offer a wide range of professional assessments tailored to provide valuable insights into your cognitive abilities, personality traits, mental health, and more. Our assessments help you understand yourself better, guide therapeutic interventions, and support personal growth. Explore the following specialized tests:
Intelligent Tests (IQ Tests)
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS): ₹3,999
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC): ₹3,999
- Raven's Progressive Matrices (Non-verbal test): ₹3,499
- Binet-Kamat Test of Intelligence (Indian adaptation): ₹2,999
Personality Assesment
- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ): ₹2,499
- 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF): ₹2,799
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): ₹2,499
Projective Tests
- Draw-A-Person Test: ₹1,999
- Sentence Completion Test: ₹1,999
- House-Tree-Person Test: ₹1,999
Neuropsychological Assesments
- Trail Making Test (TMT): ₹1,799
- Clock Drawing Test: ₹1,799
- Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test: ₹1,999
Behavioral Assesments
- Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC): ₹2,499
- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): ₹2,199
Diagnostic & Symptom-Specific Assesments
- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI): ₹1,799
- Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI): ₹1,800
- Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI): ₹1,799
Cognitive & Memory Assesments
- Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS): ₹1,999
- Digit Span Test: ₹1,499
- CANTAB Cognitive Battery: ₹2,999
Social & Emotional Assesments
- Social Skills Inventory: ₹1,999
- Emotional Intelligence Test (Bar-On EQ-i): ₹2,199
Attention & Hyperactivity Test
- Conners Rating Scale: ₹1,999
- ADHD Rating Scale: ₹1,999
Stress & Coping Assesments
- Perceived Stress Scale (PSS): ₹1,499
- Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS): ₹1,799
Additional Services
- Individual Parent Consultation: ₹799
- Couples Therapy (Assessment & Therapy): ₹999
Special Packages
For School
At Uyellitout, we understand that creating a supportive, emotionally healthy school environment is key to student success. We work closely with schools to develop personalized programs that foster emotional resilience, enhance mental well-being, and equip students, teachers, and parents with the tools they need to thrive.
Student Counseling Program
Providing tailored emotional support through one-on-one and group counseling to help students handle academic and social pressures.
Teacher Empowering Workshop
Training teachers to recognize emotional distress, manage classrooms, and create nurturing learning environments.
Academic Stress Management
Fostering a supportive school environment through mental health training for staff, students, and parents.
Parenting Support Seminars
Equipping parents with tools to communicate effectively, support teens, and identify signs of emotional distress.
Bullying Prevention & Awareness
Empowering students to become empathetic peer mentors, supporting classmates with emotional and social challenges